From Goodreads: Sixteen-year-old Sophie Bloom wishes she’d been taught the following: a) Bad boy’s presence (TrOuBlE) + teen girl’s brain (DraMa) = TrAuMa (Highly unstable and very volatile.) b) The Genus Greekulum Godissimus is notable for three traits: 1) awesome abilities, 2) grudges, and 3)
hook-ups, break-ups, and in-fighting that puts cable to shame. Prior
to the Halloween dance, Sophie figures her worst problems involve
adolescent theatrics, bitchy teen yoga girls, and being on probation at
her boarding school for mouthy behaviour. Then she meets bad boy Kai and
gets the kiss that rocks her world. Literally. This
breath stealing lip lock reawakens Sophie’s true identity: Persephone,
Goddess of Spring. She’s key to saving humanity in the war between the
Underworld and Olympus, target numero uno of Hades and Zeus, and totally
screwed. Plus there’s also the little issue that Sophie’s last memory as Persephone was just before someone tried to murder her. Big
picture: master her powers, get her memories back, defeat Persephone’s
would be assassin, and save the world. Also, sneak into the Underworld
to retrieve stolen property, battle the minions of Hades and Zeus,
outwit psycho nymphs, slay a dragon, rescue a classmate, keep from
getting her butt expelled from the one place designed to keep her safe … and stop kissing Kai, Prince of the Underworld.
My Rating: 3.5 hearts
on the Novel: My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling was a humorous blend of
contemporary and Greek mythology. Even better, the characters were likeable and
there was a strong display of friendship throughout the novel.
I think Darling did a good job of
creating strong female characters. I found Sophie to be snarky and amusing, and
liked that Hannah was a proud geek. Although I don’t understand why there was
such a focus on Hannah’s beauty (since it wasn’t really important to the
story), it’s nice that Darling made an attempt to show that beauty and brains
aren’t mutually exclusive.
Another thing I liked was how
obvious it was that Sophie and Hannah cared about each other. They had their
very own rituals as best friends, and didn’t keep secrets from the other person.
For example, when Sophie found out that she was a goddess stuck in a mortal
body, she told Hannah right away. At no point was Hannah kept in the dark
simply for being a human. In fact, Sophie even urges Hannah to accompany her
when she goes to kill Delphyne, the dragon appointed to guard the oracle of
Delphi, because she knew it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for
Hannah to see a dragon.
Though it could have been a tad more
serious at certain points, My Ex From Hell was a fun read overall.
My Ex From Hell was released in April 2013 by Te Da Media.
About the Cover: It’s a bit too plain looking for me.
In exchange for an honest review, this book was received from the author for free via Xpresso Book Tours.
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