My Rating: 1.5 hearts
Thoughts on the Novel: Damage Done by Amanda Panitch had the potential to be a much more engaging read than it was. After all, the main character, Julia, was the only witness to a school shooting committed by her twin brother! Sadly, I could muster no sympathy for Julia or her former classmates, who you end up learning little about. What was more frustrating though was the ending because it resulted in Julia acting very out of character.
A bland book with a rather unbelievable plot, Damage Done was released in July 2015 by Random House Books for Young Readers.
In exchange for an honest review, this book was received from the publisher (Random House) for free via NetGalley.

My Rating: 3 hearts
Thoughts on the Novel: Paperweight by Meg Haston isn’t the easiest of reads as it
features an initially unlikeable protagonist and deals with themes like eating disorders,
grief, abuse, and toxic friendships. Thankfully, as I learned more about Stevie's past through flashbacks and
the more she developed as a character over the course of the novel, I grew to like Stevie. I also liked the way Stevie’s
relationship with her therapist was portrayed, and that Paperweight
acknowledges that there are a number of causes that can contribute to the
development of an eating disorder.
In exchange for an honest review, this book was received from the publisher (HarperCollins) for free via Edelweiss.