Friday, February 10, 2012

Mini Hiatus

Hey, everybody! With four midterms coming up next week (three of which will be within a span of 50 hours), I'm trying to catch up on lectures and readings - hence the lack of posts and being behind on commenting. So, I'll officially be taking a week long break and should rejoin the blogosphere sometime around February 20. See you all then! 


In other news, the winner of the e-copy of Sherry Gammon's Unlovable was roro from Roro is Reading and the winner of the paperback copy of Unlovable was Michelle from Book Briefs. Congratulations, Roro and Michelle!

Also, if you live in or near Burnaby, B.C., Marissa Meyer, the author of Cinder, will be at Chapters Metrotown (4700 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C.) tomorrow (Saturday, February 11) at 2:00 PM!


  1. WOWIE ZOWIE. Four midterms?? You must be crazy busy with balancing everything out between them! x) I'm going to miss you and your musings while you're gone, but I'll also be rooting for you to do great like I know you will! ;)

    Good luck, Z! Study lots, eat lots, and read lots too -- I hope you have an amazing blogging break and I'll be cheering when you return! :) <3

  2. I feel your pain. This week was stressful and next week I have 3 midterms... Good luck Zahida!!!

  3. Good luck on your midterms! :)

  4. Good luck, Z!!! Make sure to take mini studying breaks to think of your favorite literary crushes, just make sure they aren't already spoken for. ;)

  5. Aw, rest up and try not to think about us. We'll still be here when you get back! :)

    The Midnight Garden

  6. Ugh, why must they insist on squeezing all of the midterms into such close time periods? It happened all the time to me as well. If only all the profs could get together and decide on reasonable times to keep everything spaced out nicely. Good luck anyways! It'll be over before you know it!!

  7. me too! freking Unversity. Im supposed to be studying now >_<N crap!! Im out of here! cya!

  8. Good luck! Enjoy your break and I'm sure you'll breeze through those midterms!


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