Saturday, September 01, 2012

Belated Blogoversary Giveaway

Wow, time sure flies! Without even realizing it, my blog turned two slightly over a week ago! And I managed to reach 1000 followers last month – a number my newbie self could have only dreamed about reaching!

There’s no way I would have been blogging this long though without the support of all the generous authors and publishers I’ve been lucky to work with. And of course, you guys (especially those of you in my blog roll)! Thank you for keeping me motivated when I go through reading/blogging slumps, for recommending me books to read (or avoid), for checking out my posts, for leaving comments or sending emails and Tweets that brighten up my day; and most of all, for loving books as much as I do.

Of course as a way to thank you (and to celebrate my blogoversary), I’m having a giveaway. There’s one catch though: You have to guess at least one of the covers below.

But, before you start, here are the prizes:
  • The first person to guess all the covers correctly gets a book of their choice worth up to $10 CDN. See, it pays to be a cover whore :) 
  • Everyone who can guess all the covers will be entered into a random draw. The winner will get a book of their choice worth up to $10 CDN and any one of the books below. 
  • All entries are considered eligible to be entered in a random draw to win any one of the books below.
Oh, and if you need a hint, all of the following books are either upcoming 2012 releases or will be released in 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I had so much fun guessing the covers :) great giveaway! :)

  2. I'm terrible at this! It's a great idea though. I will be back to do the rest later on! :)

    A huge congrats on reaching 2 years! That's very impressive, especially for someone like me who can't even believe she'll last a year. Your blog is one of my favourites! :)

  3. What's number 8? That's the only one I'm having trouble with. Can i have a hint? :D Pretty please!

  4. Happy blogoversary, Z! But ughhh that was so hard! I only know 3. XDD

  5. This was super fun! Thanks so much! It took me like 8 hours but I finally got them all!

  6. Congrats on 2 years!! I feel like all the bloggers I follow have recently celebrated 2 years or are coming up on 2 years soon. It's like we're a big class and have banded together with people 'in our year' or something. =)


  7. Two years, wow, that's awesome, congrats. The covers are a great idea, even though I only got two lol. I don't actually pay too much attention to covers most of the time

  8. Anonymous7:17 pm

    Wow, congrats on 2 years! That's wonderful! You've really grown to be a great blogging friend of mine over the past few months, and your blog is definitely one I frequent often. :)

    And thank you for the giveaway, honey. :) It's such fun guessing the covers since I'm such a cover whore... ;)

  9. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY Z!!!! This was so much fun, I didn't know all of them but I think I got most. Love games like this:):)

    Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway and I can't wait to spend another year stalking you ;-)

  10. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY Z! I love coming here and reading your reviews. :)

  11. Wow, happy blogoversary!! To many, many more happy years. :) It's amazing that you're offering up such great prizes to celebrate, too.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  12. Happy belated Blogoversary from me too! :)
    And thanks for the awesome giveaway. Guessing covers is always fun!

  13. Happy Blogoversary!! I loved this challenge! It took me a while but I think finally I got all the covers good :D

  14. Happy Blogoversary!
    It was fun :) And thanks a lot for the giveaway!


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